Autism Today

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Autism Today is For You, About You & By You

It is where people to go find the specific help they need for autism and neurodiversity and it is the place where businesses, products and services go to find higher success rates and improved customer retention. This is where you can find a Spectrum of Solutions for your unique situation and we bring the experts, experiences and answers to YOU for FREE. We will showcase the greatness that exists in every human being and provide inspiration and hope to those that need it while teaching the world to better see, appreciate and value the strengths, gifts and talents that exist in each and every one of us.[/stockie_text]

[stockie_icon_box box_type_layout=”top_icon” box_alignment=”left” icon_type_layout=”default” icon_type=”user_image” title=”Arts Network” description=”Art is more than painting a picture or creating a sculpture. It is music, dance, writing, poetry and anything creative in nature. The ARTs network showcases and celebrates the strengths, gifts and unique talents that individuals with neurodiversity and autism live with so they can shine.
Art is more than painting a picture or creating a sculpture. It is music, dance, writing, poetry and anything creative in nature. The ARTs network showcases and celebrates the strengths, gifts and unique talents that individuals with neurodiversity and autism live with so they can shine.” icon_as_image=”85″ description_color=”#ffffff” title_color=”#ffffff” title_typo=”font_size~20||weight~700″]
[stockie_icon_box box_type_layout=”top_icon” box_alignment=”left” icon_type_layout=”default” icon_type=”user_image” title=”Autism Today Channel” description=”The channel is a place where stories for, by and about people with autism and neurodiversity can be shared of trials, tribulations and wonderment. It is an unbiased platform for individuals as well as organizations with people who are autistic and neurodiverse or who care about those who are so they can offer hope and understanding to the world the fastest way possible.” icon_as_image=”96″ title_color=”#ffffff” title_typo=”font_size~20||weight~700″ description_typo=”weight~inherit” description_color=”#ffffff”]
[stockie_icon_box box_type_layout=”top_icon” box_alignment=”left” icon_type_layout=”default” icon_type=”user_image” title=”Learning & Education” description=”Education and knowledge are tremendously important to every aspect of human existence. We must continue to teach, learn and grow with existing resources while creating an ever evolving system of unique learning opportunities for all concerned.” icon_as_image=”97″ description_color=”#ffffff” title_color=”#ffffff” title_typo=”font_size~20||weight~700″]
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Autism Today Show

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The powerful Gift of YOU


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Autism Today shares your stories to help those with autism and neurodiversity fastest way possible be appreciated and accepted forwhoever they choose to become in the world.


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We welcome you to our organization


[stockie_icon_box box_type_layout=”top_icon” box_alignment=”left” icon_type_layout=”default” title=”volunteer” description=”Make a real difference to autistic people everywhere, meet new people and learn new skills.” description_color=”#ffffff” title_color=”#ffffff” title_typo=”font_size~20||weight~700″ icon_as_icon=”fa fab fa-users”]
[stockie_icon_box box_type_layout=”top_icon” box_alignment=”left” icon_type_layout=”default” title=”Raise money” description=”We have lots of events and fundraising ideas to help create a society that works for autistic people.” description_color=”#ffffff” title_color=”#ffffff” title_typo=”font_size~20||weight~700″ icon_as_icon=”fa fab fa-dollar-sign”]
[stockie_icon_box box_type_layout=”top_icon” box_alignment=”left” icon_type_layout=”default” title=”volunteer” description=”Make a real difference to autistic children’s and adults’ lives, meet new people and learn new skills.” description_color=”#ffffff” title_color=”#ffffff” title_typo=”font_size~20||weight~700″ icon_as_icon=”fa fab fa-users”]
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You are welcome to join us

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In the community

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Our online community is a place for autistic people and their families to meet like-minded people and share their experiences.
