Autism Today


We Invite families, professionals and those who are autistic and neurodivergent to share their stories on our channel. Simply provide us with your video and once approved we share with our autism today audience

The Arts

We are building a wide array of spectacular works by those in the spectrum. From art pieces to sculptures, musical creations, theatrical performances to the finest collections of poetry all created for, by and about those in the spectrum of neurodiversity. Join our community and be a part of its growth.


Education in order to set the best trajectory for people diagnosed with autism at any age, we must know the latest research based, time sensitive and up to date information. Be sure to check out or spectrum of solutions to achieve the greatest lifelong outcomes.


We have a job and employment matching section so that both employers and employees in the neurodistinct spaces are finding each other we also offer training in the following. Mediation, social relationships, interacting in the workplace and other job related training..


We offer scholarships and partial scholarships to attend workshops, Autism Today conferences and events teaching strategies on autism and neurodiversity for those working with an individuals on a spectrum to do with invisible disabilities. Let’s help the world understand and focus on the gifts, strengths and talents rather than deficits!

Autism Today is For You, By You & About You

It is where people to go find the specific help they need for autism and neurodiversity and it is the place where businesses, products and services go to find higher success rates and improved customer retention. This is where you can find a Spectrum of Solutions for your unique situation and we bring the experts, experiences and answers to YOU.

We will showcase the greatness that exists in every human being and provide inspiration and hope to those that need it while teaching the world to better see, appreciate and value the strengths, gifts and talents that exist in each and every one of us.

Joey Travolta Director, Inclusion Films

“Chicken Soup for the Soul will provoke a better understanding of individuals with different abilities. I wish I had this book when I taught special education.

Doug and Laurie Flutie he Doug Flutie Foundation for Autism Inc

We want to express our appreciation for the Doug Flutie Foundation often refer parents to your well organized website as a very informative resource, especially for those who have a child that is newly diagnosed. with wonderful information to anyone wanting to learn more about autism.

The late Gerald G Jampolsky MD Founder International Center for Attitudinal Healing

These powerful heart-rendering stories are filled with honesty, humor and hope and offer inspiration to parents, teachers, and anyone else who cares for children with special needs